I’m a born and raised New Yorker who spent nearly three decades of her life in the hustle and bustle, working in New York City and, not going to lie, felt pretty exhausted by all of the chaos. But now that I’ve moved to Savannah, I’ve definitely become much more fond of my old stomping grounds, and during a normal year, I fly back “home” upward of a dozen times. This past visit, I was able to connect with Sarah and Jake, who wanted to have their engagement session in Central Park. And man, I am SO glad we did! Just days before the coronavirus officially shut down Central Park, Sarah, Jake and I walked for miles, stopping along the way every time I felt inspired by a backdrop (read: every five minutes). While it was still technically winter, we had a really beautiful and unseasonably warm day (which meant I had to stuff my heavy AF wool peacoat in my camera bag for the entirety of the session, but I’m not complaining), and we were able to have one epic session.
These two warned me before our session that they are not comfortable in front of the camera — which is the exact response I get from almost every single couple I shoot. I wish couples knew how common this response was, and how they truly don’t need to worry AT ALL about looking awkward or uncomfortable when shooting with me. I’m a goofy, silly third-wheel who will make sure that you guys are laughing, having fun, and really connecting with each other, not focusing on the camera that I’m holding. Pretty sure these photos count as proof, right? 🙂